Jay Tiew Jin Jie

Profitable Facebook & Google Ads
for eLearning Business, Coaches & Consultants

Stop "Day Trading" With Your Ad Account.

Running Online Ads Shouldn't Feel Like
Operating A Slot Machine

Yes, We Don't Pray It Works.

We MAKE It Work.

Let Me Show You How...


What My Students Say About Their Results...

What My Previous Clients Say About Me...

Sabine Matharu

Hi my name is Sabine Matharu.

I'm double best-selling author on amazon inside the self-help niche and I'm also the head coach of reach for greatness.

Jay has really helped me position myself as a leader in this field and as an authority.
He helped me with my branding and ultimately he helped me to work less.

Now if you are looking for a digital marketing person who uses really who understands the technology and will take care of the tech overwhelm and then absolutely you need to work with Jay.

Sabine Matharu​

Reach For Greatness

Yeap Soon Aik

Hi, I'm Mr. Yeap Soon Aik, from Mymaxpro Trading.

I've been selling computer parts through e-commerce since 2004.

Jay has helping us expand our business through digital marketing.

If you are looking for help with digital marketing expert, look no further, Jay is the right person.

Yeap Soon Aik

Mymaxpro Trading

Kevin Khoo

Hi everyone my name is Kevin.
I'm the founder of eBright Public Speaking.
What we do is that we help kids to improve their speaking confidence through our weekly classes.

As of now we have close to about like 1 000 students who is attending our class either physically in Malaysia or through our online classes.

However almost 90 percent of our students are actually attending our classes online.

So now, what happened in my company is that in the last two years we managed to grow quite fast partly because of the pandemic whereby we quickly adapt ourselves and switch it to online platform.

However despite accelerating very fast in the last two years and starting from this year onward (2022) we start to feel that it started to slow down. Partly because a lot of parents they decided to switch back to physical classes and that's when our online enrollment started to like stagnant.

As a business owner, sometimes you might feel a little bit like a lack of direction not knowing what to do and the worst case is that you do not know what you do not know.

And that's when i started to meet Jay, who then introduced me to Dr Gerald.
Both of them really helped me in terms of like giving me a lot of perspective and also giving me a lot of guidance.

Kevin Khoo

Founder of eBright Public Speaking

My FIRST Testimonial (in 2015)

Zane Baker

Hi Zane Baker here the founder of the Valhalla Hind community on Facebook.

About a year ago I started a Facebook page and it really took off within about six months.

And then I was faced with the dilemma. The page was growing and I had to keep pumping content and stuff on the page to keep it growing and to keep people engaged with the page.

And that's when I needed somebody to help me with my page and that's when I ran to jay and he's being the admin of my page for about six months.

And since he took over being the admin of the page he made sure the responses on people who are engaging with the page are timely.

He made sure that posts are made on time served to my community and I just loved how innovative and creative he is in finding content that's resonate with my page and resonate with my people.

He is so hands-on he even took over the the image creation for some of the posts so he can free up some of my time to actually do the things that my page like, like writing articles and making sure that that that I serve them on my blog and on my newsletter.

And since I had Jay I can't say anything but positive about the guy he he did above and beyond for my page and I am really happy that he's taken off with his career as a Facebook page admin and making sure that other businesses are growing their page just like me.

And if you're interested please check out Jay please give him a chance he's done wonders for me and I'm sure you can do the same for you.

Thank you.

Zane Baker

Coach, Founder of zanebaker.com

" To Increase Profits, You Need To Work Less "

Are You Spending Too Much Time On Social Media, Blogging And Getting Visitors Only To Get Little Or No Results For Your Efforts?
Been There, Done That.

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Jay Tiew Jin Jie