Minimalist Profit Scaling

For Coaches and Experts Looking To

Scale Their Business While Doing Less

Phase 1: (3 Weeks)

Uncover Profit Opportunities

1. Gain Context, Understand The Big Picture And Your Business Goal
2. Identify The Most Profitable And Accessible Niche For You
3. Create A Precise And Profitable Audience Avatar
4. Craft Your Authority Pitch That Resonates With Your Target Audience

Phase 2: (3 Weeks)

Make Audience Know, Like & Trust You

1. Create A Lead Magnet To Attract Potential Customers
2. Implement A High Conversion Sales Funnel
3. Transform Your Website From An Online Brochure To Lead Generation Machine

Phase 3: (3 Weeks)

Present Your Offer To Cash Ready Buyers

1. Create Your Personal Strategy To Reach Your Target Audience
2. Have Automated Follow Up Messages & Reminders To Secure The Sale
3. Automate The Entire Process So You Can Focus On What You Do Best

" To Increase Profits, You Need To Work Less "

Are You Spending Too Much Time On Social Media, Blogging And Getting Visitors Only To Get Little Or No Results For Your Efforts?
Been There, Done That.

I Can Help You Gain Clarity On Your Business And Help You Identify The 20% You Need To Focus On To Grow Your Business With Internet Marketing.

Click The Button Below To Get Started.

Jay Tiew Jin Jie