1. Headline

How To Earn Part Time Income

As A Freelance Web Designer In 7 Days

Without Writing A Single Line Of Code

2. Problem

Does This Sound Familiar?

" I'm Tired Of Failing To Earn Money Online. "

" I'm Tired Of Chasing The Next Shiny Object Only To Achieve No Results "

" Frankly, I'm Not Looking To Earn A Million Dollars, I Just Want To Make An Extra $1000 A Month To Pay The Bills "

" I Can't Sell. How Am I Supposed To Make Money Online? "

" I Haven't Made A Single $1 But Spent Lots Of Time And Money Trying "

I Know How It Feels, Because That Was ME

I've Been Struggling To Make Money Because...

I Lacked A High Demand Skill That People Are Willing To Pay Me For.

Did You Know...

Making Your First $500 Is The Hardest

(After That Everything Is Easy)

3. Promise

What If I Can Show You The Exact Steps I Took To

Start Getting Paid Consistently

So You Can Just Copy & Paste My Formula And Get Results Like This..

4. Proof

Not Bad For A Part Time Income With $0 Cost

Today I Get To

Work From Any Place

How Much I'll Be Earning

How Long I'll Be Working

Do Only The Things I Enjoy Doing

Choose Who I Want To Help

Enjoy Almost Passive Income (Working Smart)

How Can I Achieve This?

It Is Easier Than You Think

1. Build Your Own Website

2. Decorate Your Website

3. Start Attracting Clients

How To Be A Freelance Web Designer In 7 Days

Without Writing A Single Line Of Code:

1. Pick A Winning Domain & Hosting

2. Learn WordPress In 60 Minutes

3. Secret Tricks For Stunning Websites

4. Copy & Paste My Templates

5. How To Get Free Tools

6. Setting Up Paypal

7. How To Start Getting Clients

5. Price


Clearly This Should Be Sold As Full Course At $997, Right?

But Instead...

I'm Handing It To You For The Price Of A Family Dinner.





It's really pretty selfish. But hey, this is business!

Why am I giving away this entire course for the price of a a family dinner?  What’s the catch?  What’s my dirty secret selfish reason?

Well here it is. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth:

I’ve actually got a whole line of courses to help freelance web designers make more profits and, yup, you guessed it: in the future I’m going to want to offer those to you as well.

So, the reason I’m giving this package away for next to nothing is that I know all I have to do is help you start making a nice income and you’ll be so blown away that you’ll want more of these in the future.

(and, yes, you’d better believe I’m gonna try to sell more to you in the future).

That’s it.  That’s the reason.  Like I said: Selfish.  

6. Scarcity Or Value

What's Included Today?

You're getting all of this:

You're getting all of this:



You're Getting My Step To Step Guide To Transform Your Life & Get Freedom You Never Thought Possible

First, You'll Be Learning How To Build Your Own Website And Stand Out From Everyone Else.

Second, You'll Be Learning How To Get Clients & Start Getting Paid.

Third, You'll Be On Your Way To Quitting The Day Job You Despite & Start Working On Your Terms.

Get It? We're Talking About Total Transformation And Change Of Your Current Lifestyle.

7. Guarentee

Now You're Probably Thinking

"wow, thats a lot of value for a low price..."



Keep in mind, my goal today is to get you to make money as a freelance web designer no matter what the cost.

So I’m gonna throw in some mind-blowing Pot Sweeteners to help you start making money.

Pot Sweetener #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


My Double Guarentee:

Finally, to completely seal the deal and ensure you start taking action I’m going to remove all the risk and do something most would never do.

If you grab this package and decide it’s not a great fit, then rather than just give you a typical 30-day 100% money back guarantee, I’m going to take it a step further and let you KEEP the course AND all the Pot Sweetener.

Did you hear that?  You get to KEEP over $6,000 of products even if you request a refund…

(Guarentee Seal)

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